
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Fall Bulletin Board Idea

I’m a little behind on the Fall decorating, but this is the week to get ‘er done! Really, it seems like fall is just beginning...and with our church’s Harvest Supper this Saturday, tracks had to be made in the decor department!

I started by decorating a bulletin board, and here is how it all went, up:

This board is smallish, so I wasn’t worried about doing too much on it. I didn’t even cover the brown cork..probably breaking one of the Bulletin Board Decorating Commandments, I know. But hey, brown is a Fall color, right?

I printed off these free leave templates and traced them onto colored paper. I also ran the templates through the copier at 50% to reduce the size. I planned on using smaller leaves to make a sort of border around the perimeter of the board, and using the large ones in the center.

After tracing several leaves, I painstakingly cut out every.stinkin.leaf.

It took a super, super long time. And here I thought this was going to be a quick, throw-together project. Ah well. Some tips on cutting things with precise edges:

    - Don’t ever use the tip of your scissors. Open them up and use the inside of the blade.
    -When going around curves, move the paper, not the scissors. This makes for a smoother cut.
    -Don’t feel like you have to go all the way around in one big cut. That may work when you’re peeling apples, but sometimes taking smaller sections and cutting them away is better when it’s on paper. It is also helpful in places to come at it from different angles.
    -Be patient!

They did turn out nice!

I stapled the smaller ones around the perimeter of the board, and printed off the word “Thankfulness” as a sort of header. Then at our church Ladies meeting we each wrote something we are thankful for on the large leaves and stapled them to the center.

Not only is it festive and colorful, but it represents the thankfulness of the families and heart of our church. Love that.

The font for the header was called “Party LET” and is just a free font that came with my Mac.

So much to be thankful for!

So that was my simple bulletin board that ended up taking a really long time, lol. Who knew leaf cutting was so tedious?

What fall decor are you working on these days?

For more Fall ideas visit my Pinterest Board It's Fall Y'all! (because I'm corny like that!)


  1. Thanks for this post! I do our church bulletin board for November, and I was trying to think of something different from the ones I did the last 2 Novembers:) This gave me a couple ideas!

    1. Fantastic! Glad I could help. I'd love to see a picture when you get yours done...feel free to post it to my FB page!


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