
Monday, October 1, 2012

Gifts and Goals for the Week October 1, 2012

Happy first day of October! I say this every month, but I can NOT believe how fast the days are flying by. I need to get serious about planning for Christmas, it will be here before I know it!

My aunt and uncle have been visiting here over the weekend, and we've had a nice time with them. It is always so nice to have family here!

Here are the blessings I added to my 1,000 Gifts list this week:

429. Standing on God’s promises
430. Bible memorization- Philippians 1 complete!
431. LOTS of gifts from family
432. A huge bag FULL of new fabrics! (planning to show this to you tomorrow!)
433. Aunt and Uncle visiting from the States
434. Direct answers to prayer!
435. My very Best Friend
436. My family’s Christian heritage
437. Hand-me-down (or would it be hand-me-up?) coats and sweaters

I didn't get as much done on my goals last week due to the company, but that is perfectly fine with me! I'd much rather spend time with family any day! Here are the things I did accomplish:

1. Make 4 tote bags - finished 2
2. Spend 1 hr. On new printables - I’m planning for 2013! Stay tuned! Finished some things I'll be sharing later in the week!
3. Walk 3x - nope
4. Work out 4x - nada
5. Spend 1 hour on eBook - I've decided to forgo this project for now, I have some other things I'm working on instead
6. Mending - done
7. Write 1 email to a friend - done! I'm finding the more emails I write the more I have to reply to, but that is ok! I love getting mail!
8. Continue to read “Mansfield Park” and “The Embrace of Grace” - almost finished with these
9. Clean in bedroom - I’m specifically targeting under my sewing desk and dresser - didn't get to this
10. Go to FGBC couple’s retreat - as a helper and nursery worker! - went!

Here are my goals for this coming week:

1. Make 4 tote bags
2. Work on new/updated printables - stay tuned!
3. Walk 3 times - fall is our "rainy season" so I'm not sure if this will happen. Weather permitting!
4. Workout 3 times
5. Finish reading The Embrace of Grace and Mansfield Park
6. Begin reading Every Living Thing and Shiloh Autumn
7. Finish some deep cleaning in my bedroom
8. Send 1 email to a friend

What are you working on during this first week in October? Has fall weather officially hit the area you live in?

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