
Monday, October 22, 2012

Gifts and Goals for the Week: October 22, 2012

Happy Monday! Hope you all had a great weekend! Things here have been rainy and cool, but that is to be expected at this time of year, I guess!

For those who do not follow my Facebook page, you missed out on the update about our cake contest last week! Here are pictures of the cakes we entered:

Rachel's chocolate-on-chocolate cake

My cookies 'n' cream cake

Carrie's PRIZE WINNING jello poke cake

Mom's Crumb Cake - this would have won if I had been judging...not gonna lie

Carrie ended up beating us all and coming in THIRD PLACE! A lady in our church won first....congrats to them! It was a fun project for us all, and we were able to donate the leftover cakes to our local nursing home for the residents to enjoy. Because even though there is a bagillion of us at home, we can't eat 4 cakes at once. Well, maybe Justin could.

Here are the blessings I added to my 1,000 gifts list this week:

454. Lots of fabric to work have fun with
455. Ministering at Tideview (our local nursing home)
456. New ironing board cover
457. Getting a table at a craft fair (yes, I waiting until the last minute!)
458. Sewing
459. Spending a rainy day at a craft fair
460. A friend that brings me coffee
461. A home to come to at the end of the day

My goals for last week were:

Make 4 bags - finished 3, the other is almost done!

Prep for craft fair - deets later!

Purge and swap clothes - didn't get to this

Work on new printables

Write one email to a friend

Complete a pinterest-inspired project

Continue reading Shiloh Autumn and Every Living Thing

My Aunt and Uncle will be here visiting for a few days, so my goals for this week are pretty minimal...

Finish 1 bag

Continue to read Shiloh Autumn and Every Living Thing

Purge & swap clothes

Finish cleaning in bedroom

List 4 items

Work on new/updated printables

Write one email to a friend

What are you working on this week?

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