
Monday, October 29, 2012

Gifts and Goals for the Week October 29, 2012

Happy Monday! Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. We had a great time with my Aunt and Uncle, who were visiting from New Hampshire. We were able to show them some of the local sights and introduce them to our ice cream shop...not once, but twice! :) It was a good weekend, y'all. :)

Here are the blessings that I added to my 1,000 Gifts list:

462. Chatting with the bestie
463. Fellowship with both of my church families
464. Rocking a sweet baby (that won’t be a baby much longer!)
465. Aunt and Uncle arriving safely
466. Blessings in blogging
467. Service

My goals for last week were:

Finish 1 bag

Continue to read Shiloh Autumn and Every Living Thing

Purge & swap clothes

Finish cleaning in bedroom

List 4 items - listed 3 this week

Work on new/updated printables

Write one email to a friend

And here are my goals for this week!

Make 3 tote bags

Work on other sewing projects

List 4 items on Kijiji

List 4 items on Etsy

Work on new printables

Write one email to a friend

Finish “Shiloh Autumn”

Begin 2 new books - still have to determine which ones!

Complete 6 days of “21 Days to a More Disciplined Life” by Crystal Paine

Attend the South Shore Bible Conference on Saturday

What are you up to this week? Do you practice the habit of setting weekly goals?

***Note: this post contains affiliate links. If you purchase products through these links, a small commission will be given to me to support this blog.

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