
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Thankful: For Fabric and Family

I mentioned Monday a few of the blessings I received last week. I’m so excited to show them to you today!

As I said earlier, my mom’s aunt and uncle were here to visit over the weekend. We had a great time visiting with them and showing them some of the local sights. When we lived in North Carolina we only lived about an hour away from them, so while we didn’t see them often, we saw them more than we do now!

Imagine our surprise when they showed up with gifts. Lots and lots of gifts. From lots of people. It seems like everyone sent up presents for us! They brought several food items we can’t get here in Canada, important things like Scott toilet paper (yup, we’re the people smuggling toilet paper over the border, haha), clothes and gifts from my grandparents, etc. etc! I can’t even list everything they brought!

But the biggest blessing to me was a gift from my cousin. She owns her own business (which I hope to tell you about one of these days!) and she sent me up this fabulous canvas bag.

It is so sturdy, plus she monogrammed my initial onto it! I just love the rope handles. And this baby is big. Plenty of room for lots of things! I actually used it to pack my things in for the retreat last weekend, and it was fantastic.

But the best part...guess what was in the bag??

Fabric. Be still my heart.

The bag was full of beautiful fabrics. For me.

Not only that, but my aunt also threw in a box of scrap fabrics. Yes, more fabric. I was speechless.

You can not truly appreciate this unless A) you love fabric, and B) you live in Canada. Because I can not begin to explain to you how much all this fabric would have cost me if I had bought it outright here. I don’t even want to guess how much. Suffice to say, I was over-the-top excited and blessed by this gift!

Here are close-ups of some that first caught my eye…

Hopefully in the next few weeks you will see lots of new projects and items in my shop! I can’t wait to get busy playing with all of these goodies!

Another blessing I want to share, and perhaps an even more important one, is my thankfulness for the Godly heritage I have. This uncle that was visiting is the brother of my Nana, who passed away nearly 9 years ago. Having him around reminded me of her so much! Every night we would get Uncle Wayne talking about days gone by, telling stories about his family and our heritage.

He told us about his grandfather, his father’s father, and the Godly man that he was. He said he never knew a more patient, gentle man. Both of his grandparents were Christians, which means my Christian heritage goes back at least 5 generations!

Although his grandparents were saved, his father didn’t get saved until only a couple of years before his death. He did, despite his lost condition, raise his 8 children to be moral, hard-working citizens, and all of them trusted Christ in their teen or early adult years. Uncle Wayne told us of his own conviction of sin, and how he came to trust Christ as Saviour and later be instrumental in starting a church in our home state of Maine.

I am so blessed. Not many people can trace their Christian heritage back 5 generations. To be able to sit and hear these stories is a memory I will cherish. Not only do I thank God for allowing me to have this privilege of a Godly family, but I recognize the incredible responsibility to preserve that heritage through the years to come. May the same things be said of me one day, that I was part of a Godly heritage that didn’t stop with me, but continued through me. That is my desire!

Join us for Gratituesday at Heavenly Homemakers!


  1. Although we are opposites in some ways (I am 40, Canadian but living in North Carolina LOL) yet I totally get it...I have a roomful of fabric waiting patiently for me to have some spare time. Enjoy your time to create with fabric!

    ...I also totally get the blessing of family. This year we will take our children home to Canada for Christmas for the first time. I can hardly wait for those big family get togethers, for the delightful playtime with cousins, and the precious "loves" from my Grandma who will sit and watch the children with tears of joy in her eyes while she calls them her "little lambs" or "tweedybugs". Special moments and priceless memories.

    1. Thanks so much for is neat to hear that I have an "opposite," lol! I used to live in Shelby, NC.

      Trust you will have a blessed Christmas with your family!


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