
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Music

If God has given you the gift of music, and in this case specifically the ability to play the piano, I believe it is your responsibility to use it! In my experience, the opportunities to play the piano for different events seem to come out of nowhere, and are endless! Here is a list of ten ways to use the gift of piano playing:

1. Church - obviously! :) My long-time readers know that I play the piano for a small church that previously had no pianist. Even though it means traveling 45 minutes every Sunday, I love it and wouldn’t trade the opportunity for anything!

2. Funerals - I’ve even been asked to play for some outside of my own church

3. Weddings

4. Nursing home - I currently go every Tuesday morning and play for the residents, then help a friend with a Bible study there. My brother plays for a service in a nursing home once a month. Again, tons of possibilities here!

5. Local events - depending on what you have in your area, a school or another public event may need a pianist for a certain event.

6. Mall - especially around Christmas, shopping malls will have live entertainment at certain parts of the day. Our children’s choir in NC got to sing for an evening in our local mall one time. This would be a great way to get some good music in the mall for a change!!!

7. Recording - Missionaries may want a certain song for their video presentations. This would be an easy way to help in this area. Of course, if you are really ambitious, you could record your own Cd! :)

8. Hospitals - Ok, so maybe most hospitals don’t have pianos...but maybe you could take in a small lap keyboard? Or at the very least, you can sing with no piano...I’ve done this many times!

9. Shut ins - during high school my sister and I would go sing to two different shut-ins each week. We would also read portions of scripture to them. This was a great way to learn to serve and appreciate the older generation!

10. Your own enjoyment - don’t forget playing for fun! =)

Can you think of other ways to use music?

Last Top Ten: Things I {heart}

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