
Thursday, November 15, 2012

21 Days to a More Disciplined Life: Will you help me?

If you’ve been reading here the last couple of weeks, you know that I’ve been working my way through the eBook, 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life by Crystal Paine, who blogs at Money Saving Mom.

It has been such a challenging, practical book! It is such a help in working through my thoughts on being more disciplined and putting action to those thoughts...instead of leaving them stagnant. I’ve also been keeping a journal each day, writing down the thoughts from the book I want to remember, keeping lists of how to implement certain things, and keeping a running journal of how I’m doing each day.

The biggest thrust of the book is working on a Mega Project - something you had either tried and failed at, or something you’ve been putting off - and learning self-discipline along the way.

I mentioned briefly a couple of weeks ago that the Mega Project I chose is getting up earlier with my alarm. Its been a hard, hard go - training myself to actually wake up to the alarm was the first step! - but I’m slowly but surely making progress with this Mega Project. And I couldn’t be happier that it is becoming a reality!

Today I completed day 11 of the book, and I’m now over half-way done! That is where you come in…

The topic the last couple of days has been to find people to whom you can be accountable - someone who will be your cheerleader and cheer you on during this final half. It is easy to lose steam or give up when you get discouraged, but having a person (or people) who will encourage you to persevere gives you the motivation to keep going!

So I’m appealing to you, my blogging friends...will you help cheer me on these last 10 days? Feel free to contact me and give me a good kick in the pants to keep me going! I’d love to hear from you via email, Facebook, Twitter, will be an encouragment and challenge to me!

I would especially love to hear from those of you who may 1) be going through this book yourself, or 2) have struggled with rising earlier yourself. What did you do to motivate yourself? Any tips or tricks to help me train my internal clock?

Thanks everyone!


  1. I'll try my best to encourage you to go on! :) This is an area I have struggled in and every time I resolve to get up early I'm motivated by accomplishing my goal for the first few days but then (especially as the weather cools) my motivator doesn't want to work as well! I've finally decided that "Its a choice of my will" -Pastor Camp and I just have to do it!
    Keep on keepin on and I'll be praying for you!

    1. Thanks Becky! You should get a copy of the eBook if you haven't already...Crystal talks about rising early a lot, it is one area that she determined to accomplish a little while back. You are right, it is a choice. Thanks for the reminder! :)


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