
Monday, November 19, 2012

Gifts and Goals for the Week: November 19th, 2012

Happy Monday, friends! Hope you had a fantastic weekend! This Monday feels great...a whole new week ahead to get a lot accomplished! Plus, the weather is still quite moderate, which I am so thankful for. I am going to enjoy the warm sun as long as I can!

A huge thanks to those who have offered encouragement after this post about the challenge I am working through right now. I am enjoying the book 21 Days to a more Disciplined Life so much! I am seeing quite a bit of improvement in the area of my mega project, as well, which is a super huge boost of encouragement!

Here are the blessings I added to my 1,000 gifts list this week:

475. Times of refreshment
476. Special meetings at church
477. Visitors at church
478. Cloud formations
479. Watching little kids hockey practice
480. Motivational blog posts
481. Crazy siblings

I've read some inspiring blog posts this week, and I am super excited to get working on some new projects and see some of my ideas come to fruition! Here are the goals I set last week:

Finish 2 tote bags

Finish other sewing projects

Prep for craft fairs

Complete days 8-13 of the book 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life

Finish 4 new printables - finished 2

Write 1 email to a friend

Continue reading Passion and Purity and Pride and Prejudice.

List 3 items on Etsy - listed 2

List 4 items on Kijiji - listed 2 (apparently it was “2” week!)

Here are the goals I am working toward this week:

Prep for and attend craft fair

Work on other sewing projects

Finish 3 new printables

Write one email to a friend

Continue reading Pride and Prejudice and Passion and Purity

List 2 items on Etsy

List 4 items on Kijiji

Complete days 14-18 of the book 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life

Work on Pinterest project

Have a blessed week! What are you working towards this week?

***This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase a product through these links, I will receive a small commission which helps support this site. 


  1. What an encouragement your "goals" post is each week!!! I can't help but echo your thoughts about this is a beautiful start to a full week!! =D

    ~ Ashley


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