
Monday, November 12, 2012

Goals for the Week, November 12, 2012

Hello bloggy friends! Trust you all had a great week! We had a good one with a few days of special meeting at church with a visiting missionary. It is always nice to take a few days out of the ordinary and spend them focusing on God’s word!

Several things did not happen this week like I was planning….

...I did not continue on the 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life challenge. I did for one day, but then spent several days away from home, so it simply wasn’t practical or doable to continue. I was conscious, however, of keeping my mega project in mind and not losing the ground I had gained so far. I’m happy to report that I did well most of the week! I’m excited to continue on this week and see what else I can accomplish!

...I did not go to that craft fair. Well, I attended, but I didn’t have a table like I’d hoped. Turns out this particular craft fair is booked a year or two in advance...who would have thought? No wonder I couldn’t find a contact number! Anyway, I enjoyed going to see what others had to offer and get some more ideas, and I actually came away with something...but I can’t show it to you because it is a Christmas present. :) Hopefully the next two weeks I’ll have more craft fair goodness for you!

...I didn’t add more than a couple things to my 1,000 Gifts list. Being away always throws a kink in that, so I’ll resume sharing my blessings next week!

Here is what I did get done this week:

Work on sewing projects

List 2 items on Etsy
- actually listed one thing on Etsy and 2 on Kijiji. But that counts, right?

Complete days 7-9 of 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life challenge - completed day 7...see above

Possibly go to a craft fair on Saturday - see above

Work on new printables

Write 1 email to a friend

Continue reading Pride and Prejudice and Passion and Purity

 My goals for this week are:

Finish 2 tote bags

Finish other sewing projects

Prep for craft fairs

Complete days 8-13 of the book 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life

Finish 4 new printables

Write 1 email to a friend

Continue reading Passion and Purity and Pride and Prejudice.

List 3 items in my Etsy shop

List 4 items on Kijiji

Hope you all have a fantastic week! What will you be working on this week?

***Note: this post contains affiliate links. If you purchase a product through these links, I will receive a small commission to help support this site.

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