
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Christmas Presents Galore!

It's high time - ok, past time - for a little "who-got-what" as far as Christmas presents go. Namely, what I made for gifts, and what I received from family!

I mentioned several times before Christmas that I was making some handmade items as gifts, as I usually do. Handmade gifts are so, so fun to give!

Each year 3 cousins and I exchange gifts, and each year I enjoy thinking of some new item to make them. {Here we are exchanging gifts last year.} This year, I had a blast gifting them these new aprons:

apron 1

apron 2

apron 3

All the same black and white print, with a different accent color. {they are reversible, too!} So far it sounds like they've enjoyed them and put them to use...score! {Heads up: you may see more of these in the future! [wink!]}

Keeping with a sort of "kitchen" theme, I put together these recipe binders for them as well, using my free printables from here:

recipe folder

I made a quick matching cover sheet as well as a little piece for the binder...I just love the more finished look it gives!

binder edge

Inside, I jotted down a few of our family's favourite, traditional Christmas recipes. Some we've used in the past, and some we are still using! Then I added lots of blank pages for them to fill in their own Christmas recipes. I think it will be handy to have them all in one place, don't you?

recipe page

I also printed off a few recipe cards and popped them in the pocket in the front of the binder. That way they have a card handy if someone asks for a certain recipe!

recipe cards

I just find it so fun to personalize and give these gifts!

three presents

I made and gifted a few other aprons in different prints as well, but I sadly did not get a picture of them. :( I bought a few other gifts, but I really don't have too many gifts to purchase, which makes things easy! I love having the time to devote to making those few gifts personal and extra special!

I was totally spoiled in the gifts I received this year! I got several pieces of jewelry. This bracelet my cousin had custom made for me:


This purty necklace from a friend...

pink n purple necklace

And this one as well! Aren't they all just gorgeous?

silver necklace

My sister gave me this frog...and it is like one of my most favourite gifts. I do all the dish-washing in our house, so it is extremely practical, and for some reason I just love this little guy. What a fun cheery thing to have looking at me each day!

frog scrubbie

Another cousin gave me a French Press, (from here} something I've been wanting for a while! I love the detail on this one, too!

french press

If you follow my facebook page, you saw the largest gift I received:

This huge cutting mat was from my Grandparents, with a new rotary cutter to go with it. I absolutely love it! It makes working in my small space so much easier.

I also received a few other items like fleece-lined tights, new pj's {another cousin tradition!} and this fleece-lined hoodie in "Violet Chalk." {Yeah, I kinda have a thing for fleece lined stuff...} I am probably forgetting to mention something, but this gives you an idea of the fun new things I have to play with now. Isn't getting new things so fun?

I'd love to hear - what items did you receive this Christmas that you've been wishing for?


  1. That fleece-lined hoodie looks sooooo comfy! and I love your french press. We've used those for several years now and it is THE BEST WAY to make coffee! :) Have you used it yet?

    1. It is super comfy, and the best part is that L.L. Bean has a lifetime warranty policy, so its a gift that never ends! :) I have been using my french press daily! Still figuring out how to make the perfect cup of coffee, but I love it!

  2. I would LOVE a French press (although at the moment I'm off coffee, sigh, so sad).
    I am totally curious about those fleece-lined tights though! Psycho. I have never heard of them. How can I live in such a cold country and never heard of them? lol. Seriously going to have to look into those. =)

    1. My Grammie always gets them for me...not sure if they even have them up here or not! Certainly worth looking into, they are the ONLY tights I really like, and they are so cozy!


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