
Monday, January 21, 2013

Goals for the Week, January 21, 2013

Happy Monday, friends! I can't wait to hear what you've been up to this week. Everyone ready for this new week ahead of us? I just love looking into a big, empty week...just waiting to be filled! As I was spending some time in prayer last night, I asked the Lord to give me a God-honoring, productive week, both spiritually and physically. I realize that is going to depend largely on the things I put into this week...which is why I set goals!

My goals from last week were:

Finish "Eric Liddell"

Start "Intercessory Prayer"

Write one letter

Finish Christmas thank you cards

Memorize 3 verses

Write one post for another site

Sort through paper clutter, and create a better system for paper organization - who was I kidding...I thought I was going to get that done in one week? I worked on it...but didn't get it done!

 My goals for this week are:

Write one letter

Memorize 3 verses

Continue to organize paper clutter/create better system

Complete new shop graphics

Continue reading Intercessory Prayer

Get up by 8:30 every morning

Decorate for men’s banquet Saturday

I'd love to hear how you did on your goals last week! What are you hoping to accomplish this week? Anyone else praying for a productive, God-honoring week?

**post contains affiliate links

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