
Monday, April 8, 2013

Gifts and Goals for the Week, April 8th, 2013

 Happy Monday! Hasn't it just been a great weekend? Today is a beautiful, sunny day, and it is all of 50 degrees here in Nova Scotia...heat wave! =) Seriously, it hasn't been this warm very much yet this spring, so I'm soaking it up while I can. We're still in for cooler weather for a bit, but these sporadic days of real spring weather are a great pick-me-up!

Here are the blessings I've added to my 1,000 Gifts list this week:

548. Safety despite dumb drivers {seriously, I almost got hit by a truck driving down the very middle of the road. Scary-town}
549. New basketballs
550. Grass shoots through snow
551. Children eager to pray
552. Surprise birthday party
553. Birds at my feeder welcoming spring
554. Spring-smelling raindrops


Last week was one of those weeks that seemed crazy-busy-without-getting-a-thing-accomplished. Ever had those? Where you look back and think, what did I DO all week? Regardless, I accomplished a precious few of my goals:

Work on a sewing project for a friend

Write 2 letters

Get up by 8am each morning {after this morning *ahem*} - didn't do too bad, but didn't make it every day.

Finish  Grace For the Good Girl and One Thousand Gifts

Practice piano 3 times

Memorize Philippians 3:1-3

Work on mending pile

Begin one shop item

Here are my goals for this week:

Finish sewing project for a friend

Write 2 letters

Get up by 8am each weekday

Begin reading 2 books

Write one post for another site

Practice piano 3 times

Memorize 2 verses

Work on mending

Start one shop item

Lets chat about what we're accomplishing this week! Anyone else having some busy weeks or sunny days?

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