
Monday, April 1, 2013

Gifts & Goals for the Week, April 1, 2013

I can not believe it is April already! Wowzers! The days just are flying by, and here we are already on the day that you can't believe anything anyone says. :) Did anyone fool you today?

I've been steadily adding to my one thousand gifts list this week. There have been just so many little blessings from the Lord!

537. Geese flying back
539. New fabric and supply stores
540. Two cuddly toddlers
541. Clean sheets night
542. Maple sugar coffee
543. The ocean - on all 4 sides
546. Kisses in soft baby hair


Last week I was gone for most of the week, but I did set a few goals:

Write one letter or email

Continue reading Grace For the Good Girl and One Thousand Gifts

Finish reading Salvation as preparation for this Sunday - see my thoughts so far here

Continue to review Philippians 1+2

Start a sewing project for a friend

Work on mending pile

Go to Lockeport for a Good Friday Service

This week I'm hitting the ground running - making up for lost time last week! :) I'm setting these goals for this first week in April:

Work on a sewing project for a friend

Write 2 letters

Get up by 8am each morning {after this morning *ahem*}

Finish  Grace For the Good Girl and One Thousand Gifts

Practice piano 3 times

Memorize Philippians 3:1-3

Work on mending pile

Begin one shop item

That gives me a good start to the week! How about you? Any projects going on? Is it nice enough where you live to start working outdoors? It tried to snow here today.  Happy April.

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