
Monday, April 29, 2013

Goals for the Week, April 29, 2013

Happy Monday, friends! Just popping in with a quick update on my goals from last week. Today is promising to be another busy week, so I'm keeping this brief and then going to get to work! :)

Last week, I set these goals:

Hem pants {15 pair!!}

Work on mending

Finish new shop item

Finish one post for another site

Write 2 letters/emails

Continue to read Won by Love {Norma McCorvey} and Tamate: the Life Story of James Chalmers {Richard Lovett}

Work on switching up bedroom decor - I’m ready for a change!

Memorize Philippians 3:10-12

This week, I'm setting the following goals:

Work on hemming pants

Post one new shop item

Work on one post for another site

Write 2 letters/emails

 Continue to read Won by Love {Norma McCorvey} and Tamate: the Life Story of James Chalmers {Richard Lovett}

Memorize Philippians 3:10-12

Start making culottes for one sister

Celebrate my birthday! =)

What are you working on this week? Are you having some busy days lately? How does setting goals help you?

 Have you taken advantage of this amazing offer yet???

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