
Friday, June 7, 2013

Home Improvement: the DIY Homemakers Edition! {May party}

Welcome to our 5th monthly Home Improvement Party: the DIY homemakers edition!!

Home Improvement banner

This is one of my favourite posts of the entire month...a time for all you creative peeps to share what you’ve done this month to improve your home or your lifestyle! YOU are all so smart and I love seeing what things you accomplish and what changes your life for the better!

The purpose of this party is to share ideas and inspiration to make our homes more beautiful, more efficient, and ultimately more honoring to the Lord. Does a well ordered home honor God? Oh yes! He is a God of order! Having a blog party is just a fun way to share ideas and glean some inspiration from all of you talented folks out there.


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog and thanks for the link up!

    1. Thanks for linking up! It is a pleasure to have you here today! =) I'll be sharing these links throughout the day on my FB page and other social media.

  2. Hey, Nicole! Thanks for the invite! :) Love your new blog design! Super cute! And thanks for hosting the party!

    1. Thank YOU and thanks for linking up! =) I'll be sharing these links on my FB page throughout the day.

  3. Found this through Snippets of Inspiration on FB. Checking you out for the first time, really like our blog. This monthly concept is great. Thanks for hosting.

    1. Thank you so much, Sarah! Glad you've enjoyed the party today! Hope to see you around again! =)

  4. Great list of DIY home improvement ideas! I have lots of work to do now... Another good resource for DIY stuff is House Logic, so I recommend them if you haven't visited there yet. Cheers!


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