
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Family Camp 2013

Last week were with blessed to be able to go to Family Camp! It was a nice relaxing 4 days away from everything that is normal and daily in our routine. I didn't even get online during that time!

The speaker for the week was Dr. Carl Herbster, a former pastor who has such a heart for people. His sermons were so applicable to the lives of everyone present, it was a honor to sit under his teaching and preaching! If you are aware of the trial that has gone on in this family's life - losing a daughter-in-law to cancer just a couple months ago - you would rejoice to see what the Lord is doing in and through this family. Several of his messages were born out of that grief and pain, which applies at some point and time to every believer. It is so true that we sorrow not as those which have no hope!

There were lots of other activities that went on during the four days of camp, including lots and lots of free time. I tried to spend a lot of it with this little man...

He is at such a fun age now, with a growing vocabulary and just generally fun outlook on everything. Here he was stacking the blocks and then saying "cheese" for me to take his picture.

After a while the cutest little girl on the planet came to play with him.

I mean seriously, would you just look at those beautiful curls? I think I just picked out Judah's future wife. Consider yourself betrothed, boy.

Friday afternoon the staff put on a family carnival. It had lots of activities perfect for the kids. I participated by following them around and taking pictures. :)

Giant Jenga anyone?

Pillow fights...

There was a dunk tank about a dozen or more other small booths full of fun things! The kids had a blast trying to fill up their cards with "mastered" activities. Two of my siblings won for the most activities in their age group!

Judah upped the "coolness" factor...

For being in a new place with new faces and a totally disrupted schedule, he did a good job. There were meltdowns, but he had fun. One night during a late game of family Scattergories, I kept him occupied by snapping self-portraits and then showing them to him. He loves the camera and saying "cheese."

I think a week or a few days of away time is so vital, especially when it is coupled with solid, Biblical preaching. It was such a great environment to recharge spiritually and be reminded that you aren't the only Christian on the planet! Especially living in a remote area of the Maritimes, things can sometimes get lonely, and these times are so, so needed. I'm thankful for this opportunity and hope we can do it again next year!


  1. Cute! Wished we could have made it up for a night, but it just didn't work out.
    I bet I know who Judah's future wife is, lol. Love her curls!

    1. Isn't she just so cute??!! Leah and I were commenting about how strange it was that you weren't at camp...I don't know if I've ever been to camp when you weren't there! Hopefully next year! =)


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