
Monday, August 19, 2013

Goals for the Week, August 19, 2013

I am looking forward to getting back to a normal blogging schedule this week! The past few weeks have been a bit crazy, thanks for sticking with me! Summertime is like that, I never know for sure what each day or week will bring. It is a bit more spur-of-the-moment than other times of the year, but that makes it fun, too!

In case you've missed some posts lately, here are the very few I've shared in the past couple weeks:

A bright tablet sleeve I made for a friend
The days we spent at family camp
How to plan a VBS for the 4s and 5s age group

Here is a sneak peak at what we've been up to lately. I'll be blogging about these events soon!

I'm glad to be setting goals again this week, even though we're still doing some last minute before-school-starts activities. Things may still be a little fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants-ish, but having some simple goals is still refreshing and gives me something to be working towards!

Here are the goals I'll be working on this week:

Work on some custom orders
Walk 3 times
Memorize 2 verses
Send one handwritten note
Cut out playclothes for girls
Practice piano 2 times

I'd love to hear how your summer has been, and what goals you are working towards this week! I see some places where school is starting this week, and I just can't believe it. We still have 2 more weeks of about you?


  1. I just took on the job of coordinating our church nursery so I've got some goals that revolve around that this week.
    Organize nursery
    Make labels
    Set up nursery schedule
    Choose date for nursery worker appreciation tea.
    Put together 3 blog posts.
    That's it for me, cant wait to see what you have up your sleeves!

    1. Oooh, sounds like a fun week! I get giddy over any list that includes "organized" and "labels" lol! =) Have fun! I can't wait to read your blog posts!


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