
Monday, September 2, 2013

Goals for the Week, September 2, 2013

Today marks the first day of school for our family! Thankfully not for me - as I like to say, I served my time! ;) My homeschooling family is starting, however, and the public schools start on Wednesday. Big week for all the kiddos!

While I don't have to start back to school this week, I am hoping to start implementing a winter schedule and routine. During the summer months it is easy to get into the routine of no routine, if you get what I mean! With the rest of the family on a schedule, it  helps me to be on one as well. So this week I am putting that plan in place! I'm excited to have more time to work on So Sew Organized items! :)

Did you see my beautiful NS scenery post from Friday? I love this place!

Here is an update on last week's goals:

Memorize 2 verses
Walk 2 times
Practice piano 3 times
Finish shorts for girls
Write one post for another site
Write one hand-written note

And here are the goals I'm working towards this week!

Work on mending
Finish custom orders
Finish girl’s shorts
Review Philippians 3
Practice piano 3x
Begin implementing winter schedule
Write one post for another site
Donate bags of unused clothes

Who here is settling into a winter routine? Have kiddos in your area started school? What do you think about the summer and no routine?

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