
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Organization in 2014: Baby steps

Every year when the holidays are past I find myself feeling like I'm drowning. Drowning in presents, used gift wrap, laundry, sweets, unscheduled days and un-organized spaces. Do you share my plight? As nice as the holidays are, it sure is nice to get back into a routine!

Part of the drowning feeling this year comes from the fact that I'm a woman without a home. So not only do I have the holidays to recover from, but I'm back in Maine after a visit to Canada, and trying to get settled back in to my home away from home.

At the beginning of the week, my sewing room looked like this...

And this doesn't include the massive pile of laundry.

Which leads me to does one person end up with so much STUFF! I mean, it is all "necessary" (a word I use loosely) like clothes and toiletries and fabric. But how did it all get here? Where is it all going to go?

Which leads me to one of my goals for this new year: to be content and organized.

I want to work on better organizational habits (not just sprees) in keeping clutter at a minimum. I want to have systems in place that help me use my time wisely. And I want to be content with the things I have to avoid collecting even more stuff...stuff I do.not.need!

Things are already looking better...

I'm excited to see where this goal takes me! I'll be sharing some of my processes along the way, and you know it will include some free printables. :) I can't help myself in that area! Until then, I'd love to hear what has helped you in the past to create some organization and what you do to maintain the clutter in your home. Also, do you have any goals for 2014? I'd love to cheer you along!


  1. You did a great job getting organized....I tried to do a little organizing myself but still have too much stuff!

    1. Thanks Antionette! Just take baby steps, you'll be amazed at what you can get done in a short amount of time!

  2. We are getting ready to move into our new home this coming month (we just bought our first home!! woo woo!)... and I'm dreading this very thing... I'm so OCD it's hard to pack and unpack and have such a mess during the process!

    1. I know, I hate packing and unpacking all the time! Good luck in your new home! Just take baby steps along the way, you'll be surprised how quickly you'll be able to get things back in order.

  3. I agree!! I am slowing giving away and selling stuff. We have so much more than we need!

  4. Great progress! Clutter drives me crazy, but it always seems to pile up anyway. When I clean I'm trying to be more selective about what to keep. It just takes time.

    1. It does take time, but every tiny step is still a step in the right direction. Keep it up! =)


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