
Monday, February 3, 2014

Hello Monday! February 3rd

Its Monday, time for some hellos! If you're just coming in, Hello Monday posts, started by Lisa Leonard, are where I greet the week with some hellos, and reflect a bit on last week.You are welcome to join me by saying hello to your own day in the comments section or over at Lisa's blog.

Hello, Monday!

Hello clouds. Its a hot beverage kind of day.

Hello getting back into couponing and deal shopping, thanks to a friend!

Hello restful weekend. Glad I could spend it with family.

Hello Football Whoopie Pies. This was so fun!

Hello Oreo Footballs! Recipe can be found at the end of this post.

Hello to a rather anti-climactic Superbowl. 

Hello work and office files.

Hello custom orders for So Sew Organized. I'm glad to be busy!

Hello grocery shopping. A task I enjoy!

Hello to a brand-new, busy week!

What are you saying hello to today?


  1. I'm a day late but you dont mind do you? Hello dog on my bed, hello sunshine and rain mixed together. Hello new "decor" for the teen room. gello lunch with Kenny today :)

    1. Of course I don't mind! Hello to you and yours today, too! =)


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