
Monday, March 10, 2014

Hello Monday! March 10, 2014

It's Monday, time for some hellos! If you're just coming in, Hello Monday posts, started by Lisa Leonard, are where I greet the week with some hellos, and reflect a bit on last week.You are welcome to join me by saying hello to your own day in the comments section or over at Lisa's blog. Lets greet the new week with a smile!

Hello sunny days. The vitamin D is so helpful

Hello time change. I'm all for spring, but "springing ahead" throws me off. (I have to ask...did anyone forget??)

Hello cousins coming home. Can't wait to see them!

Hello packing...again.

Hello cleaning house.

Hello cousin time. Just love these girls!

Hello dreams for So Sew Organized. I have some new ideas for spring...can't wait!

Hello taking my sewing machine to the repair man. This is a problem when you own a handmade shop! :( Thankfully I have back-up!

Hello scholarships for Guatemalan teens Ruth and Alan. We had some sales come in last week...will you help us?

Hello great day in church yesterday. Sunday-school was especially thought-provoking...are we being good soldiers in the Lord's army??? 

Hello new week. Hello Monday. Hello blog readers! =)

What are you saying hello to today? Share it below!

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