
Monday, April 7, 2014

Hello Monday! April 7th, 2014

Its Monday, time for some hellos! I love greeting the week with an excitement about what will be accomplished in the days ahead. Some people dread Mondays, but they don't need to! Its a new week with new opportunities. A great reason to greet it with a smile!

I'm joining the community at Lisa Leonard's blog where everyone is saying hello to Monday. Will you join us? 

Hello Monday.

Hello busy days and weeks.

Hello planning a trip to Canada. I can't wait!

Hello countdown to my birthday. My dear mother is celebrating by posting old pictures from my childhood every day. Here is a peek for you. You should be glad I like you guys so much! :)

Hello reminiscing with friends and family.

Hello to custom orders. 

Hello to new infinity scarves. Coming soon!

Hello Cinnamon Hazelnut coffee. I tried the New England Coffee brand, and love it! It is kind of like drinking a yummy breakfast coffee cake. :)

Hello Weekend Wind-Down party. Each week brings new people and new links...what links have you enjoyed this weekend?

Hello dogsitting.

Hello sunny, warm days. Each day is consistently above freezing, finally!!

Hello seminar on toxins in our environment and detoxing our bodies. I learned so much!

Hello extra work hours.

Hello Monday, hello blog readers! What are you saying hello to today??

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