
Monday, May 12, 2014

Goodbye Vacation, Hello Monday!

Its Monday, time for some hellos! I love greeting the week with an excitement about what will be accomplished in the days ahead. Some people dread Mondays, but they don't need to! Its a new week with new opportunities. A great reason to greet it with a smile!

I'm joining the community at Lisa Leonard's blog where everyone is saying hello to Monday. Will you join us? 

Hello Monday.

Hello work.

Hello catching up and getting back into a routine!

Hello (and goodbye) to a trip to Canada.

Hello to fun times with friends and family.

Hello to the ocean. I miss living there!

Hello surprise birthday party for my uncle.

Hello road trip with my cousin.

Hello cute dog on a bike! (It even had on a little mask!)

Hello to missions conference at church this week.

Hello trying to install Microsoft Office. 

Hello opening the So Sew Organized shop back up. Which of these would you choose?

Hello working on new products and upcoming opportunities. So exciting and scary at the same time!

Hello readers, hello Monday! What are you saying hello to today?

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