
Monday, June 9, 2014

Hello Monday! June 9th, 2014

It is Monday, time to say hello to a new week! Hello Monday posts were started by Lisa Leonard as a way to embrace a new week and a new perspective. Each week is new and exciting and brings opportunities! Join me by saying hello to your own week in the comments!

Hello Monday.

Hello dogsitting this weekend and peace and quiet and solitude.

Hello peace and quiet and solitude. Oh wait, did I already mention that?? :)

Hello busy, busy days. I'm getting ready for a local event this Saturday..crunch time!!

Hello sneek peek at new items. (I share them on my FB page often, make sure you interact with us over there so FB will let you see them!!)

Hello to a tweak in the So Sew Organized branding. I had my business cards and literature printed at Staples this time, and I'm in love with them!

Hello to visiting the fabric store every other day. After Saturday, I'm going to not spend any money for like, a year. Haha.

Hello to beautiful sun.

Hello to getting a tan. :)

Hello to singing and playing the piano at church.

Hello to trying some new things in my beauty routine. I'll share my finding with you later!

Hello to a new week, hello friends!! What are you saying hello to today??


  1. I am saying hello to the hot weather today....right now it's 29 feels like's wonderful! I never thought it would get here! :)

    1. Oh, me too! Almost 90F here, I am LOVING it!


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