
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Great Healthy Living Resources

Most of what I've learned about healthy living, I've learned from other bloggers around the web. I'd love to share a few of those resources with you today!

These are some of the ladies I've learned the most from. I'm also including some fun Pinterest boards to follow, and I'd love for you to share your favourites in the comments section below! Let's get started, shall we?

Laura blogs at Heavenly Homemakers, and I can really say that she was the first one to kickstart my research into healthy eating. She has inspired me in so many ways, and I love the whole food recipes she shares for free on her site! You saw that her No Yeast Bread recipe was the first one I cataloged on my new recipe cards...I can't wait to try it!

Laura is very real in her writing. She makes me laugh every time I am over there, and best of all she loves Jesus. So her blog is a great place to spend a sliver of time each day!

Merissa from Little House Living is a blogger I have come to admire. She homesteads and shares many recipes for how to make household things from scratch, using healthy ingredients.

MaryEllen from Imperfect Homemaker is both a real-life friend and a blogging friend. She shares practically and candidly about her journey to Healthier Living - all the way from eating 40 boxes of Pop Tarts to the healthy living resources she shares now. She also has healthy recipes on her blog!

Perhaps the easiest way to find great Healthy Living resources is through Pinterest. Here are some great boards to follow!

And last but not least...

There is the Healthy Living Bundle available for just 4 more days. There are so many resources in this bundle no matter what area of healthy living you desire to learn more about. Here is the complete list of resources...why not start out by choosing one or two books on your desired topic, downloading those, and going from there?

Just the cost of a few of these books would normally be the price of the whole bundle, so the bundle is totally worth it!

I challenge you to read through the details, and purchase the bundle... your family's health is worth it!
The Healthy Living bundle is no longer available...thanks for taking an interest! Subscribe to my blog to read more about my healthy living journey and get a heads up when the next bundle is available. 

Linked up with Say G'Day

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