

My name is Nicole, and I am addicted to coffee and blogging.

(Whew, I'm glad I got that off my chest!)

Welcome to my BLOG!!!!

I am tickled pink that you stopped by to visit, and I trust you will make it a frequent occurance!

I created this blog in 2010 as a way to connect with friends and expand my interest in writing. It has become so much more then I ever imagined! I have met many new, creative friends in my readers, as well as learned more about the world wide web than I ever knew existed.

I write about a wide variety of subjects on this baby of mine. With everything from DIY projects, me love affair with Pinterest, my family and friends, favorite recipes and books, my ever growing love of organizing and much much more! If any of these topics strike your fancy (and I'm guessing they do!) then I hope you not only gain inspiration while you are here, but share your ideas by interacting with the rest of us in the comments section!

If you like what you see, you won't want to miss a post! Follow me by clicking the links in the right sidebar via Google, Email or RSS. You can also stop over to the Contact page and follow me on popular social networking sites!

Now if you've read this far, why don't you leave me a comment telling me a little bit about yourself? If you have a blog or website, I'd love to visit and find out more about who you are and what you are passionate about. I love meeting my blog readers!

Thanks for stopping by, and come visit again real soon!

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