
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Missions Survey

Today Pastor Johnston asked me to fill out this survey. Someone unrelated to the school is doing this survey on a bunch of people, and missions-minded college students is one of those groups of people. Here were the questions I had to answer:

1. At what age did you sense God would have you commit to missions?
A. Before the age of 10
B. Before the age of 20
C. After the age of 20

2. So you believe that God equips believers with specific ministry gifts?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Not sure

3. Do you believe that God has a specific will for you?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Not sure

4. What bearing does the Lordship of Christ have upon your yielding to missions?
A. Everything
B. Some
C. None

5. What factors motivated you to consider missions? (You may circle more than one.)
A. The atmosphere in your home
B. God's specific call upon you
C. An awareness of your spiritual gifts
D. An outgrowth of being discipled
E. The impact of missionaries
F. Compelled by the need
G. The focus of your home church

6. Do you consider God's will for your life to be a : (circle only one)
A. A specific calling based upon your awareness of God's intent for your life
B. A general response of walking with God in considering open doors of opportunity

7. Are you award of any who prayed for you in reference to Matt. 9:38 that God would send forth laborers into the harvest field?
A. Yes
B. No

8. Was your commitment to missions awakened during a missions emphasis time in your life such as missions conference, mission trip, missions course in college or camp decision?
A. Yes
B. No

9. Did you sense that you had parental approval in pursuing a career in missions?
A. Yes
B. No

10. What factors would you consider to be the reason for the decline of missionaries being sent to the mission field? (Please pick 3 that stand out to you.)
A. Confusion over what God's "call" to service is
B. A new focus upon materialism
C. Waning approval from parents of those interested
D. A loss of the reality of what "lostness" really means to those who have never heard the Gospel
E. Less emphasis upon missions in Bible Colleges
F. Less emphasis of missions promoted in the local church
G. An awareness of the difficulty in pre-field ministry
H. An unwillingness to submit to the Lordship of Christ

11. What was the income level of your home?
A. Lower
B. Lower middle
C. Middle
D. Upper middle
E. Upper

12. What was the most difficult struggle in the yielding process? (you may circle more than one)
A. Letting go of personal ambitions
B. Leaving family
C. Weak faith
D. Awareness of income loss of salary
E. Cultural adjustments for children
F. Education factors for children
G. Danger
H. Reticence in going through the pre-field ministry of deputation

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