
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Welcome, blogging world!!

I know I am probably behind the times with this blogging thing, but for a long time I have thought it would be a fun thing to do. I am just now getting around to doing it! We'll see how long the urge lasts! :) Probably the first thing you notice as you come to my blog is the somewhat unique name. For anyone who knows me at all, you know that Pohnpei is pretty much all I talk about these days! But for those who may not know me very well, I'll explain. The Island of Pohnpei is located above Papua New Guinea, just above the equator, and is part of the Micronesian Islands. There is an exciting ministry going on there in the form of a radio station. The station is operated by Missionary Dave and Ruth Ann Arthurs. This place is very dear to my heart, and the Lord has given me such a burden for those people that need the gospel. Hopefully one day I will get to go there!

I could talk about Pohnpei, the excitement of the station, and the need for christian radio for a long, long time. Just ask those that are around me a lot! But I'll save all that for future posts. In the meantime, I hope that this brief introduction has whet your appetite for learning more about how God is reaching unsaved people around the world. I am certainly looking forward to sharing what information I know with you!

Don't worry, Pohnpei is not the only thing I will talk about on this blog.

I will also probably talk about school on this blog. I am currently a student at Ambassador Baptist College, and I am surrounded by wonderful friends and a lot of craziness! We have a lot of fun, and I learn much in my classes.

Well, hopefully this gives you a glimpse into my life and what the future of this blog holds. Thanks for taking the time to read it!

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