
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Walk in the Park

Even though we live in Canada, we are starting to see signs of warmer weather. (Major party going on!) I *think* that we are done getting snow. (please, please, please!) A few flowers are peeking up, and some nice green grass is growing where we started a forest fire burned our field.

On the days that it is warm enough, I enjoy taking Sheba to the park that is two kilometers away from our house. It is such a beautiful spot, I thought I would share some pictures with you.

Here is my seaweed-eating companion!

I absolutely {heart} living by the ocean!

Anyone want to join me for a picnic?

I recorded a little video so that you could hear the incredible soothing sound of the waves and seagulls. I love that sound! If this video doesn't work, let me know...I am not sure if it is going to or not. (Oh, and excuse the extreme shaky-ness. Something about having a puppy on a leash that does that. My apologies if anyone gets seasick watching this thing.)


  1. These pictures are lovely! I truly envy your proximity to the ocean. Your pics remind me of Maine- we used to take a family vacation there every summer and it is still one of my favorite places in the US.

    Even though we live a bit south of Canada (Maryland) I still feel like spring hasn't begun yet (case in I write its cold, rainy, and icky outside- YUCK!). Can't wait to get outside and start enjoying warmer weather!

  2. Sarah, I grew up in Maine, and Nova Scotia is very similar. We were amazed at the similarities when we moved here. Maine is certainly the best place in the US!!

  3. COOL! Now I REALLY want to go there ;) Is PEI part of Nova Scotia (sorry if my geography is WAY off...)? That's always been one of my dream places to visit after reading all the Anne of Green Gables series multiple times when I was a kid.

    Maine is wonderful...but it gets a bit too cool in the winter for me. I liked our summer vacation idea- then retreat further south for the winter months!

  4. I don't think PEI is considered part of NS, I think it is its own province, but I may be wrong on that. My geography is probably WAY off too. :) I have always wanted to go to PEI, too, but they say that the Anne of Green Gables movies were actually filmed mostly in New Brunswick! So when you go to see "Green Gables" in PEI, it is not a thing like the movie. Sadness. But NS and PEI are still BEAUTIFUL places to visit!


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