
Sunday, April 10, 2011

My Christ

I know no other Jesus

Than He who died for me;

The Saviour of lost sinners,

The Christ of Calvary.

I know no “ideal” Jesus

That human minds invent;

The only Jesus I know

Is whom the Father sent.

That human christs could save me

Is inadmissible;

My Jesus is the image

Of God invisible.

My Christ is God incarnate

And of the virgin born;

He left a crown of glory

To wear the plaited thorn.

The Infant of the manger,

The village Carpenter,

The Teacher sent from heaven

To men to minister;

The true historic Jesus,

Who died and rose again,

He only is the Jesus,

That I proclaim to men.

James M. Gray

Taken from The Incomparable Christ by J. Oswald Sanders

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