
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Full Tank

Does anyone else ever have this experience? We think about something that we need or think we need or a situation that puzzles us. It is just a passing thought, and we don't even dwell on it long enough to pray about it. And then a little while later, the situation is answered just like we wanted it to be, and we think, "Oh, what an answer to prayer!!!" ....but we actually never did pray.

I did this yesterday. And I'd like to share my huge blessing with you. Just so you know that I am human too. :)

This week I am helping out at VBS at my church here. I enjoy it so much. I love working with kids in things like this. Yesterday morning, I thought to myself, "I love helping at VBS, but the gas to get there is gonna kill me." And that was the end of the thought.

I wasn't worried about it. I had the money to put gas in my car. I was not going to run out or anything. I just have a hard time parting with my money sometimes, ok? But especially when it is something church related, I don't let that keep me home. So, I took one moment of self-pity to contemplate my depleting gas tank, and then moved on with my day.

Later in the day, someone filled my gas tank. Full. Like, to the top.

I didn't ask him to, I didn't even say anything about gas for the week or parting with my money or anything. But this individual knew that I was helping at church and wanted to help me. What a blessing.

And yes, I felt convicted. I mean, I hadn't prayed for it. I was just planning on relying on the resources I had to put gas in my tank. Oh me of little faith.

I am so thankful that God doesn't "just" answer our prayers, but gives us the desires of our hearts as well. I am thankful for this provision of a full tank of gas. And I am thankful for the Lord teaching me a lesson.

Psalm 37:3-5
Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.

Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him, and he shall bring it to pass.


  1. Nicole, this happens to me as well! You are right; oh me of little faith! He is good and it is such a blessing when He does give us the desires of our hearts, even when we fail to take the time to pray about them.

    I'm missing you but thankful you are helping in His will. See you in a few months, Lord willing.
    ~ Leslie

  2. I thought of this verse Matthew 6:8 . . . your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him. God is so good to us isn't He? Praise the Lord for your need being met over and above what you even asked or thought. (another good verse - Ephesians 3:20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,)

  3. Thanks for this awesome reminder of God's care and provision- so often even over and above what we ask for!

  4. Thank you all for your encouragment. Mrs. Lockhart, those verses are wonderful as well. So thankful for the promises and provision of God!


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