
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Ministry Update for June

Dear Praying Family and Friends,

“O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.” Psalm 34:8

The Lord truly has been good during my first few weeks in Florida. I have seen over and over his hand of protection and guidance as I moved down here and began the work.

I was blessed with great flights and safety on the trip here. I love to fly, and I love it even more when the flights are on time, my luggage arrives with me, and all the other details that come with flying. Thankfully the Lord saw that each of these things was taken care of and went off without a hitch.

I have been busy learning the ropes of this new ministry. I am enjoying it immensely! My coworkers, Jane and Raul, have been so patient to teach me and to answer my endless questions. :) I was “initiated” into the ministry just a few days after I arrived by a big cockroach running at my feet. Apparently he wanted to say, “Welcome to Florida.” Despite a few of these encounters, the work is going smoothly. I am so privileged to work every day with other Christians in a Christ-honoring environment. It is a blessing to work every day serving the missionaries on the field and to hear about the fruits of their labors. Truly God is good.

My work at the mission is a variety of secretarial duties. I process the mail and checks that come in, answer the phone, filing, mail receipts and letters, etc. I enjoy it! It keeps me pretty busy but allows for flexibility to talk to the missionaries via Skype from time to time.

Some have asked for me to repeat the information on how to send a monetary gift. I do not receive wages through the mission, so my sole support while I am down here comes from those who would like to have a part in what God is doing. It is encouraging to have a promise from God that He will supply every need! Any support should be sent to the mission, and the donor will receive a tax-deductible receipt. Here are the addresses:

Gospel Mission of South America

1401 SW 21 Avenue

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312

Canadian donations should be sent to:

Gospel Mission of South America of Ontario

Po. Box 150

St Charles, Ontario P0M 2W0


Checks may be made out to Gospel Mission of South America.

I appreciate the part each one of you is doing as you uphold me in prayer over these next few months. I am excited to be able to share with you the great things that God is going to do!

Because He Lives,

Nicole Risinger

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