
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Culture Shock

I guess I never really told you the rest of the story, did I?? I sort of left you hanging in the NYC airport, wondering if my plane crashed or was hijacked or something of the sort. I can tell you all were so worried about me. *snort* Actually, I did make it to Maine....and to Nova Scotia...and here are some pictures to prove it.

My Grandparents and I drove to St. John New Brunswick on the 18th. The only words I could utter were "tree" and "mountain." Oh how I missed thee.

Yes folks, Maine is beautiful.

We spent that night in a hotel, so we could catch the ferry at 8 the next morning. This was our view as we were leaving the hotel.

I'll admit, Canada is pretty beautiful, too.

This was my first time riding on the ferry. I loved it. I love water, I love boats, I love ocean, I love the coast. I loved it.

This is the front of the boat. They raise it so that the cars and trucks can drive into the bottom of the boat. There were several semi's on board that day.

St. John, New Brunswick

Don't let that calm-looking water deceive you.

Once we got farther out in the bay, she was rough. Not gonna lie. We basically couldn't even walk around without looking like we were drunk. (Very hysterical, I might add!) A lot of people were sick that said they don't normally get sick on that trip. So...we took a nap. The waves just rocked me right to sleep, I couldn't help it!

It still was pretty, though!

And then we were in Nova Scotia, just about 10 minutes from my house. My family was there to greet us. We got Tim Hortons on the way home. And all was well.

There was some stuff that felt weird, though. I thought that growing up in the North, I'd never feel out of place, but living in the city for 6 months and then coming back to hickville the country was a bit of a shock. For instance, I went outside after sundown, and it was so dark. So, so dark. Haven't these people ever heard of streetlights? And where did all the buildings go? It felt weird, I tell ya. It was nice, though, to lay in bed that night and not hear anything. No train, no Amtrak, no highspeed chases on I-95, no planes practically landing on top of me. Peace and quiet. This I like.

My family had some adjustments, too. The first day I was home, my dad cooked hamburgers on the grill, and forgot to make one for me. Um, thanks dad. Nice to see you, too. And then of course, baby Judah came just a couple days later, so we all forgot about adjusting and focused on breathing and eating and sleeping in all the right places and all the right orders. But its been good. I finally found my bedroom floor again. (Oh, that's what the carpet looks like???) I've spent time with good friends (drinking Tim's, of course.) (Maybe I should buy stock in that place)

Again, I thank you folks for your prayers. Hopefully things will get back to normal here on the ol' blog, as well. I have a whole host of angels Christmas goodies for you in the next few weeks. Don't go away! We'll be back right after these messages!

(I think that was the wrong line....oh well. You get my drift.)

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