
Monday, February 6, 2012

Gifts and Goals for the Week

I read a verse this week that prompted thoughts about setting goals and planning each week. I've said over and over how much I enjoy doing it, and it certainly does help me accomplish more! But is it really important? Read this:

"Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established."
Proverbs 4:26

Doesn't "pondering the path of thy feet" sound like planning and setting goals? I thought it did! The context of this verse is talking about not straying from the straight and narrow path, the right path, and what better way to keep yourself on track than to set goals! If I am focused on what I believe God has for me this year (or this week, or this moment) and if I have written it down and am referring to it often then I have a much greater chance of getting it done and staying on track, both spiritually and in my daily responsibilities.

This week went by at lightning speed for some reason, but it was filled with the usual blessings!

206. Borrowing a friend's
207. Pure white snow
208. Cough drops
209. Giggly girls at church
210. Late night Tims with friends
211. Bulk Etsy order
212. Safety on the road
213. Ministering at camp
214. Beauty of a cold, frosty morning

This weekend I had the opportunity to be a counselor at a camp about 3 hours away. My brother went with me as a camper, and we had a fun time! That was the farthest I think I have ever driven in one shot, but the Lord gave us good weather and clear roads. It was a beautiful two days for a winter retreat! So while that wasn't on my goals for last week, it was something that was accomplished.

Here are the goals I set last week:

Yeah, February is going to be half over before I have goals set, haha! Not really, I just have a few things I need to cement, and then we'll be good to go. Here's how this coming week is shaping up:

Hopefully I'll be going way beyond the 3 sewing projects mark this week! I was contacted with 2 bulk orders this week, one through my Etsy shop and a different sort of project for a friend. If any one is looking for me the next few weeks, I'll be at the sewing machine! But that's ok, I am really enjoying it!

Tell me about your week! Are you "pondering the path of your feet" this week? How are you doing on your goals for 2012?

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