
Monday, February 6, 2012

Book Giveaway!

Its no secret that I love books and reading! If you've been reading here lately, you saw my reading list for this year, as well as some of my favorite kids books! I've already started one book for February, and I am enjoying it muchly! They say that "readers are leaders," and certainly our lives are benefited and enriched by reading good quality books.

Imagine my delight when I saw that my blogging friend Sarah is hosting a giveaway of a book! There are two books to choose from, Hinds Feet on High Places or Mountains of Spices by Hannah Hurnard. I have heard only good about these books, but never have read them! Maybe now is my chance!

So hurry over to Sarah's blog to enter to win! Entries are still low at this point, so you have a good chance of winning! Good luck to each of you!

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