
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Winter Retreat 2012

Last weekend, I had the opportunity to be a counselor at Forest Glen Bible Camp. I took my brother as a camper, and we had a great weekend! I didn't take a whole lot of pictures, but here are a few to give you a peek.

We woke up Saturday morning to a beautiful winter wonderland!

It was really cold both days...but I didn't mind, since I wasn't the one out playing in it! *snicker*

The teens enjoyed some fun games led by a friend of ours. Friday night they played "Capture the Chicken," played just like "Capture the Flag" but with a rubber chicken instead! Some of the other counselors and I thought that live chickens would have made it even more exciting. :)

There was just over 50 campers there. Here they are playing some games of soccer.

When they played guys-against-girls, the guys had to play with their hands behind their backs! Justin said it was really hard.

We also had lots of yummy food! Thank you to the ladies that worked so hard at it!

I am so thankful I had the brief opportunity to invest in the lives of these campers. I think that camp is such an important event in the lives of teens and adults alike. I never went to camp as a teen myself, so I am thankful for the opportunity now to have a small part!

Sometimes "camp decisions" are spoken of in a negative light, meaning that the decisions that are made at camp are not lived out a home very long, if at all. Perhaps this is sometimes the case; however, it just makes our job as adults more important, to be encouraging these teens in their walk with the Lord and leading by our example. God has promised that His Word will never return void, and the Word of God these teens received will carry with them for time to come!

{ view on the ride home }

I'd love to hear about your camp experiences! Did you go to camp as a teen? What impact did it have on your life? What would you say is the important role of a counselor or other adult in the camp environment?

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