
Friday, April 6, 2012

My Personal Monthly Goal

At the beginning of the year, I really wanted to have one habit each month that I would focus on and seriously work on developing. When I sat down with my 12 in 2012 list, however, I drew a total blank. I couldn't come up with 12 habits to develop! I know that sounds weird, but it just didn't work for me.

I have found as the year goes on, as each month approaches there is a habit to develop that just falls into place. So I am working on developing a habit each month, just like I wanted! And I waited until now to tell you because....I don't really know. I didn't think of doing it before now. =)

So, here is my habit to form for April: Keeping My Bedroom Decluttered!

I really am a place-for-everything person, but I sometimes have trouble putting "everyday" things away. Do you know what I mean? Stuff that I get out seems to just stay out. But that makes for a really cluttered feeling! So my April project is to make putting these things away a habit.

Here are some of the things I am working on right now:

My trashcan...

(did I mention that this will be the post where you learn how weird I am? Lol!)

My trashcan gets pulled over to my sewing desk every day that I sew. It also sits there while I'm doing my hair, because I lose SO much hair, and my mirror is right next to my sewing desk on the wall. (See the setup here). It usually ends up staying there, because I sew nearly every day. I am working on putting this away every night before I go to bed.

The same goes for my iron...

My iron is like my 3rd hand while I'm sewing, so it usually stays out. The ironing board probably would too, except other members of my family (cough*dad*cough) steal it. :) The iron needs to be put away every night before bed, too.

Then there are my clothes...

This is where you are going to really start thinking that I am weird, but here goes: I always used to put my clothes away every night before bed, too, but when we moved into this house, I found that doing that made my drawers smell bad. I know, I know, that makes me sound dirty, but I'm not, I promise I shower every day, ok? ;) I don't know if it is because the room is so small that there is poor air circulation and things can't air out, or what. But I find my drawers smell better if I let my clothes air out before putting them away. (Can someone else please tell me you've had this problem? I'm not as weird as I sound, I promise!)

So anyway, sometimes those clothes (and shoes, clearly) get left here at the foot of my bed for a day...or two....ish. :) I am working on putting them all away each morning.

Last but not least, my straightener or curling iron (or both, apparently.)

I leave these out to cool off each morning, only to leave them there and use them the next day. Bad Nicole. I am working on putting these away each day. What I hope to do is find a routine so I remember to do it...something like, after my hair is done, straighten the rest of the room, make my bed, do my makeup...then put them away. They should be cooled off by then, and if I get in that routine I *should* remember to do it!

So, now you know. Those are the little areas I am working on improving and making a habit throughout the month of April. I'll be sure to let you know how it goes! I already see a difference just since I have become intentional about doing it.

Do you have a habit you are working on making or breaking? How do you fight the clutter monster in your home?

PS. Did anyone else watch the live webcast at Money Saving Mom last night? Wow, I enjoyed it! I hope she does more of those in the near future! I have a page of notes from it that I plan to file away in my Simple Living file. Here is my favorite quote: "Live Simply, so that other can simply live." Love it! If you didn't catch the webcast, check her blog today...I believe at least part of it would be posted for viewing.

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