
Thursday, April 5, 2012

5 Fat Files: My 5 Topics

Last week, I issued the 5 Fat Files challenge for this month, and today is the day to share our topics! (Go here to read the reasons behind this challenge.) I can’t wait to share mine with you!

As I mentioned before, I had started 5 files before….except I only started 4….then I sorta had 6….and none of them were getting fat at all! So I examined the topics that I had started and thought long and hard about what I really, really wanted to know more about.

It was hard to just pick 5. Did you find that to be true of you? Some of my topics seemed too broad, but if I narrowed them any more, I’d have 8 files. :) So here are the 5 I settled on:

Whole Foods Diet - I love, love, love to read about ways to have a diet that does not include boxed or processed anything! It can be done, and I think our bodies would be much healthier because of it. I’m not the one that does the cooking at our house now, so I want to learn all I can now so when I am chief cook I can be ready.

Femininity - Please don’t confuse this with feminism!! There is a huge difference! What I mean by femininity is studying and applying God’s design and role for women. I grew up a tomboy, I admit it, but I want to learn to be a lady of God’s design, not my own.

Keeper at Home - This is one I really struggled with knowing how to narrow it down. In this folder I want to include being a wife, training children, and anything else that has to do with being the keeper of my someday-home! I know it seems broad, but I plan to only include things that are really important to me and things I really, really want to remember and be able to go back and reference. 

Simple Living - this folder will include money saving tips, de-cluttering tips and other info to keep my life simplified. Living with less is always best!

Sewing - This is a brandy-new folder, something I have never studied before. I enjoy sewing, and can get by fine with what I already know, but I want to learn more of the nitty gritty stuff! I’m interested in learning more about tension, different fabrics and how best to use them, and also more about using my serger. This is going to be a fun topic!

Once I {finally} got my  5 topics cemented, I created my files. I just took 5 colorful file folders that I had on hand and labeled them with colorful markers.

Some of the files already have a few articles in them, from my previous attempt, so I feel like I already have a head start!

I popped them in this organizer that sits on my bookshelf:

I really want to get something a little slimmer that doesn’t take up so much room. I don’t need that big organizer any more! But for now, it will keep the folders in a handy place where I can make them fat and not forget about them, hehe!

At the very least, it needs a coat of bright paint, don't you think? =)

So there are my files! I am excited to make those babies fat!

Now, the moment I’ve been waiting for….I can’t wait to hear from YOU! I’m literally on the edge of my seat wondering what 5 topics you’ve picked. Leave me a comment so I can read all about it! If you are blogging about this challenge, leave your url, I’d love to go read what you have to say!

If you’re just coming in, its never to late to start your own 5 files! Just pick any five topics (here is a list to help get your brain waves functioning) and create your files. Then come back and leave a comment! We’d love to have you join in whenever you have the time!

5 Fat Files

Next week, we’ll talk about other files to build besides the literal file folder, and also hear from a guest! See you then!


  1. Wow Nicole!
    That looks like so much fun!
    I sure wish that I had the time to join in this month. =(
    Oh well, at least I will get to see you working on it!


    1. If you have the time, we'd love to have you join us! Its really not a time-consuming project, just something I are starting this month and adding to as I have time. Hope you enjoy following along! Thanks for the sweet comment! =)


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