
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

5 Fat Files: Project Recap

Well, how did you do?

We picked 5 topics, created files, and learned how to fill them. We found other ways to build virtual files, talked about the importance of this system, and also scored some great content for them! (here, here, here, here and here)

Me? I had a BLAST! This was my first time putting out a big challenge like this, and while it was a bit more work in the blogging arena, I loved every minute of it. I loved reading about what you were doing and what you had to say about certain subjects. I loved seeing your enthusiasm to learn new things. I thoroughly enjoyed interacting with you each day.

And most of all, I love my FILES!

Ok, love is a strong word when we are speaking of files folders, but you get my drift. :) It is so nice to have this system in place. When I want to remember something, it is as easy as clicking “pin it” or “print” or some other one-step method of saving it for later. I have already learned new things, and I can see myself utilizing this system to learn more in the near future! I think it is so important to continue to learn and exercise our minds - like any other part of our body, it needs exercise! Having this file system in place ensures that I can exercise efficiently...kind of like a workout plan for my brain, lol!

Here are my 5 folders again, and how I’m doing so far with each one:

Femininity: I already had several articles in my file folder on this topic, and I bookmarked a couple more this month.

Keeper At Home: I added several of this month’s guest posts to this folder (this one and this one) plus this folder already had some content. I also started a Pinterest board dedicated to this subject and a separate one with kiddo ideas.

Sewing tips: This Pinterest board already has some great content! I also found some things I had saved previously in my sewing desk, so I popped them in my folder instead. Gotta love having everything in one place!

Simple Living: I added this guest post to this folder, plus already had some content it in before. I also started this board.

Whole Foods Diet: This folder already had a small stack of content, plus I added this guest post. I also started a Pinterest board which right now has a whopping 1 pin on it. :) I am sure in no time this board will be bursting!

These sticky notes, stuck in the front of my folders, make a great place to jot down book titles, podcasts, or anything else I want to include in my file!

I also follow several blogs that fall into these categories, for the express purpose of learning from some individuals that have some great thoughts, experiences, and lessons to share. Here are a few of them:

Money Saving Mom - I save posts from here that fall under my “Keeper At Home” and “Simple Living” categories.

Life….Your Way - these posts often fall under “Keeper At Home.”

Passionate Homemaking - falls under “Keeper At Home.”

Heavenly Homemakers - falls under “Whole Foods Diet.”

That is my recap of this project in a nutshell! I would love to hear your thoughts concerning this project (even if you weren’t able to participate, that is ok too!) and hear an update on your files!

If you weren’t able to join us this month, it is never to late to set up your 5 folders and start your own files! Just go back to this post to get started! You’ll be glad you did!

Thanks for joining our 5 Fat Files Project!

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