
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

April Hot Happenings

I say this every month, but it is hard to believe that April is g.o.n.e. gone already! Here is a little bit of a recap from the last month:

Judah is now 5 months old and continues to grow and develop daily. He is starting to sit up some and loves it!

He loves to play with toys and will grab anything he can and put it in his mouth!

He is a looooong boy!

I didn’t accomplish everything from my list of goals for the month of April, but I got a few things done. I’m hoping to do better in May, despite being gone for a week and a half! (one week for a wedding and 4 other days to help at a Christian camp) Here are my goals...we’ll see how they go!

As for the one personal goal I was working on this month...I am so pumped to be able to tell you that I succeeded! I spent a couple of mornings working on decluttering, and for the rest of the month things stayed pretty much clean and picked up! Things look way better and it is so pleasant to walk into a neat and tidy room at the end of the day.

Dresser- check! It stays cleared off most of the time!

Sewing desk - check! I pick up my sewing stuff when I am done even though I know I will get it out the next day. I just is so much nicer to wake up to a clean room!

End of the bed...half a check. Keeping my clothes put away so that all this basket holds is extra blankets! You can, however, see a big pile of things I need to get rid of...still on my to-do list!
For the month of May, my personal goal is to establish a better morning routine. I'll post more about that soon!

I did read two books during April. “Calm My Anxious Heart” was a huge encouragement and challenge to me. See, I thought I was pretty easy going, even keeled, low maintenance. But like any good, Bible-based book, this one showed me the areas that I still need to improve on!

I also read Jane Austen’s Emma, which I *think* is my favourite Austen novel. I’m not sure though...I like the others too...but there is something about Emma that particularly thrills me. It is always a nice treat to read a book like this that is just for fun. I actually made time to sit down with this book and a mug of coffee on two or three occasions and just read to my hearts content. Everyone needs moments like that once in a while!

At lunch we’ve been reading “On the Banks of Plum Creek” by Laura Ingalls Wilder. I tell ya, we are all just sucked in by the one-after-another catastrophes and natural disasters! We always joke about the movies being that way (did they ever have a good harvest in the movies?) but really the books are no different. The grasshoppers...oh the grasshoppers. Unreal. We are all enjoying this book so much! (Even dad has been hanging around to hear what happens!)

Unfortunately, we are just about done with this book, and we don’t have the next one in the series, “By the Shores of Silver Lake.” :( We may just have to skip ahead to “The Long Winter” but I hate to miss what happens next!

On this here baby blog of mine, April was a happening month. Half of my posts for the month involved a blogging challenge, which was so much fun! I am seriously thinking ahead to when I can do another month-long challenge, I loved it that much! (What kind of challenge would you guys like to see? I’ll take some suggestions!) You can read this post to get a complete recap on that. I also managed to squeeze in…

A Pinterest project
A DIY project
I designed and shared some new Printables for my shop
We celebrated Easter

I finished off the month with my BIRTHDAY! Yup, April is my birthday month, and the 30th is a pretty good day. ;) I was able to spend it with friends, and I got a haircut! Overall it was a great day!

What exciting things went on in your house during April? Who else is making headway on their goals for this year?


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