
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Today I'm Thankful For: A Week With Family and Friends

I mentioned yesterday how much fun we had last week in Maine, but here are a few pictures to prove it!

I am so thankful for all of my family. We all stay pretty well connected with Facebook, but it is always nice to be able to visit in person! There are always lots of exciting things happening on the family farm that we wish we could be part of.

When we first arrived, we got to witness this:

My cousin was moving this recliner across the property for another cousin. Redneck? We think so.

Sorry, but I just have the cutest cousins in the whole wide world. Look at that picture and you'll see I'm right! A couple of years ago I unknowingly started a tradition with this little guy. We played a "game" as he calls it where the couch is his base and I have to try to tag him before he gets on his base. I stand there all innocently acting like I don't know he is right behind me...then whirl around and try to grab him. Anyway, every time I come he says to me, "I know what game we can play!" he never forgets. Cutest thing ever!

Rachel's close friend from North Carolina was able to come up with friends for the week and spend it with Rachel. They were thrilled to be together again, and she got to meet Judah for the first time!

My brother doesn't always treat girls this way...oh wait...maybe he does! :) Here he is with a cousin the same age as he is. They went at it all.week.long!

On Friday I played the piano for the wedding of some close friends of ours. It was beautiful.

I was so thankful to see friends from school that I never get to see any more!

The bride was gorgeous, of course!

Carrie was their flower girl, after spending a couple of her younger years trying to be this groom's bride, lol! Hey, at least she got to be in the wedding!

It was a fun, but busy week. We got back on Saturday, and look how much these little guys grew while we were gone:

Last week I showed you our itty bitty pea plants, and now look at them!

It won't be long and we'll be eating those yummy things. Can't wait!

Our strawberry plants seem to be doing great too:

And look what else is about to bloom...

Yuppers, my precious lilacs!! I can.not.wait. for these babies to open, that is the best part of the entire year!

To wrap it up, I'm thankful for family, friends, and our so-far-so-good garden. What are you thankful for this week?

Join us for Gratituesday at Heavenly Homemakers!


  1. I loved reading this! My favorite fruit is (and probably always will be) strawberries - and the deer haven't yet discovered our plants. Woo hoo! And my lilac has come back this spring too - I was afraid it had died last year, but it's looking good. I'm so grateful for those 'small' blessings that are 'big' to me!!

    1. I agree, small blessings are really big when we take the time to stop and notice them! I'll keep you posted on our strawberries AND lilacs! Last year the lilacs drowned, and all the buds rotted instead of blooming. :( So we're looking forward to them this year!


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