
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What I Came Home with from the Fabric Store

Last week while I was in Maine, I took a trip to Marden's, a local store with the best (and cheapest) fabric selection of anywhere I know of. Pretty sure all of North America. I went for the specific purpose of picking up some cloth for my shop, and came home with so many pretty combinations!

For those of you that like a little eye candy (or want to keep tabs on what is available in my shop) here are some of the prints I picked out. I just love 'em, I can't stop ooing and ahhing over them! The fabric section is a dangerous place to let me loose in, let me just tell ya!

The paisley-type print someone gave me, but I picked out the other two to go with it.

Love, love LOVE this one. As in, love it. It just may be my favourite combo.

Someone had given me the blue floral print as well, and I picked out the other two to match. Some of my favourite combos come when I use at least 2 colors and have one print that ties them both together.

I had another blue print to go with this, but it didn't make it into the picture!
I picked up this fabric, even though I didn't find anything to go with it. I just loved it so much I couldn't leave it behind! What do you think I should do with it? This picture makes it look dark, really it is a light, airy teal.

It was so much fun to scurry over the aisles looking for just the right color and pattern to go with each one. Thanks to my Grammie for her advice and my sister for lending her arms, lol! (Why don't I ever get a cart??)

Some of these are already spoken for (once they are made into bags, obviously) but a few will be available in my shop. If you are interested in any particular one, let me know!

I'd love to hear which color combos appeal to you. Do you prefer one main color, or two? Are you into bright colors, or blacks and whites? I'm totally digging both right now...can't make up my mind. Hey, I'm a girl, I'm allowed, right?


  1. Wow! Those are beautiful fabrics!!

    My very favorite is the forth picture, the red one with roses! I love it!!
    My second favorite is the next to last picture, the fancy polka dots. It is cute!

    I like bright colors when they are used as the main color. And I also like them used as an accent color. I like bright colors!!


    1. Thanks Meadow! You can see what I did with the red roses fabric if you go here:

      Let me know what you think of it!

    2. That is so cute!!
      The rest of them are cute too!

      Now I wish that I was in need of a new bag.


  2. I so hear you about fabric shopping!!! You need to come to Halifax sometime and we'll go to Atlantic Fabrics together. Or maybe we should plan a trip to Maine, hehehe. I've never been there, but if the prices are as good as you say, I want to go! And that teal print in the last picture you should make into a skirt or something to wear. It's so pretty!

    1. I should take you to Maine! :) Atlantic Fabrics would work too, though. I have been to the one in Greenwood a few times, but it seems like their fabric is sometimes out-dated looking to me. Like they aren't really up to date with new stuff. Maybe its just me, I don't know!

  3. I really like the 2nd & 4th ones down! I really like bright colors, esp orange and green, and I've discovered that I'm also drawn to green, blue, and brown together in paisley.

    1. Blue and brown is like the best combo ever!!


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