
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Gifts and Goals for the Week

Phew! What a crazy-busy-but-super-fantastic few weeks we've had! As I type this, the last of our company (for now!) have left, my sister and our summer intern have gone back to school, and we're back to being "just" the 7 of us.

I'm looking forward to getting settled back into a routine of sorts, and planning out what all I want to accomplish during the autumn months, which are just around the corner! Seriously, kids start school in just 3 weeks, how crazy is that?

Hopefully I'll be able to get back to regular blogging now that the excitement has died down. I've missed "visiting" with you all each day!

This last weekend my grandparents and an aunt and uncle were visiting. We had a spectacular time, and made some fun memories! Here are the blessings I added to my 1,000 Gifts list:

378. Peace and Quiet
379. Catching up with a friend
380. Food for winter
381. Beauty of a tiny hummingbird
382. Wild blackberries
383. Bubbles
384. Turning complaining to praise
385. Blueberry coffee
386. Testimonies of 2 new believers

My goals for last week were limited, but here is what I got done:

1. Finish some mending - complete

2. Start curtains - finished these!

3. Start 1 bag - started successfully

4. Walk 3 times - #totalyfail

5. Read 2 chapters of "When Life is Hard" and 6 chapters of "Music in the Air" - realized how incredibly long the chapters of "When Life is Hard" are (the whole book is just 6 long chapters!) so I only read one this week.

6. Write one email - did not complete this

7. Visit with my grandparents, aunt and uncle, who are coming in on Friday! Yippee! - had a blast!

Here are my goals for this coming week:

1. Complete Pinterest project

2. Make 2 bags

3. Read 10 chapters of "Music in the Air" and 2 chapters of "When Life is Hard"

4. List 4 items on Kijiji

5. Do some mending

6. Write one email

7. Walk at least 3 times

Oh, and I almost forgot...

8. Return to a normal blogging schedule :)

What are you up to this week? Any end-of-the-summer projects going on?

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