
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

July Hot Happenings (Reeeaaaaaaly late!)

Yes, I know August is half over...nonetheless, lets look over the month of July at our house!

Our growing 8 month old boy..this mouth open grin is very typical!

Enjoying friends we haven't seen in a while.

Part of our MBC family


VBS group. Great turnout each night!

I did not get 2 books read this month. I know, epic failure, right? Its really ok, I’ll just finish up the second one and read two more for this month. Reading is generally not a problem for me, I have been known to read two or three books in as many days! With all the craziness that was VBS, reading took the back burner, but I’m anxious to get back at it this month.

I did finish Persuasion by Jane Austen. One of my faves! I also started “When Life is Hard” by James MacDonald (mentioned in this post). Another great book! I’ve been reminded of a lot of important things through this book. It is crucial that we are prepared for when trials come into our lives. Because we know they will! If we are prepared and can learn from these experiences, these trials will benefit us tremendously. Here are 3 questions to ask yourself when going through a trial, big or small:
    1. Do I believe that God is in control?
    2. Do I believe that God is good no matter what I see, no matter what I face?
    3. Will I wait on Him by faith until the darkness becomes light?
    Psalm 27:13

At lunch time we have been continuing to read through the Little House on the Prairie series aloud. Right now we are in “The Long Winter,” one of my favorites! We missed a week or so due to company, but have still been enjoying snippets of the Ingalls life. Almanzo is starting to appear more and more in the books, exciting!!

Here are the goals I set for last month...

It was a busy month, I got more done than I thought I would! Here are my goals for this month:

Here is a recap of the blog during July:

This window shopping post showed my love of all things colored glass.

I talked about my music philosophy and some things I was reminded of recently in the area of music.

This tutorial showed you how easy-peasy it is to make a mitered corner, and also a little trick for a nice seam.

The subject of trials has been on my mind a bunch I spilled some thoughts here.

And we had VBS, ohyeswedid. We talked about Gideon, Joshua, David, and the Fiery Furnace (but not David in the Fiery Furnace, of course!) and I showed you some of the materials and preparations I was working on. Here is an update from the middle of the week and here is a brief recap of the week. I am still planning on getting these materials into your hands, so stay tuned for that! I also realized that I never told you about Squeaky, the mouse, so I need to do that, too. There is a little history behind him! :)

That was our July! What a busy and fun month it was! Did any life-changing things happen in your home during the month?

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