
Monday, August 27, 2012

Gifts and Goals for the Week

It has been a busy, but great week people! How was yours? Seems like we are cramming things in these last couple weeks before school starts, and keeping quite busy and on the move! It is amazing how each year the summer seems to slip away and before we know it, another school year is here, and all those things we said we were going to do this summer? Yeah, about those. . .

The blessings that I added to my 1,000 Gifts list this week show plainly what I've been busy doing...

394. New rotary cutter blade
395. Building friendships
396. Free haircut
397. A pretty day
398. New serger thread
399. Roasting hotdogs
400. Fleece sheets! (had to retire the flannels as the nights are getting cooler!)

So excited to reach the 400 mark! Those round numbers are always a milestone and make me remember just how really blessed I am!

My goals this last week were sparse, due to a bulk Etsy order I'm hurrying to get done.

Read 7 chapters of current books - read a few, but don't think I reached 7

Make 7 bags - other than a couple finishing touches, these 7 are pretty much done! So excited about the progress I made.

Walk 4x - only made it 3x

List 2 items on Kijiji - didn't happen

Write one letter to a friend - complete!

My goals for this week are looking pretty similar...

Plan on finishing up that order this week so I can get back to a normal routine! Speaking of which, I'm hoping to change things up and become even more intentional in my routine once the kids start school (which is next week) so I'll be sure to share that with you when I get it worked out!

What are you up to this week? Has school started in your area? Any new routines taking place?

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