
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: What I want people to remember about me

What are people going to say about you when you die? It is a good questions to ask yourself, so that you can be working on those areas that need a little more help! For today's Top Ten Tuesday, I am asking myself that question. Here are 10 things (and there are probably more I could add) that I want people to remember about me:

1. That I smiled often

2. That my time with the Lord was #1

3. That I was a hard worker

4. That I acted unselfishly

5. That I was a lady

6. That I knew how to have fun

7. That I could laugh at myself

8. That I demonstrated patience

9. That I showed compassion

10. That I gave freely of my time, money and talents

What would be on your list?

Last Top Ten: Favorite Non-fiction books (at the moment!)

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