
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Goals for the Week

What a fantastically busy week we've had! I updated you a little bit last week on how the week was going, and I'm happy to report that VBS was a complete success! I had a total of 13 enrolled throughout the week, with Wednesday being the biggest night, 10 in attendance! The other classes had a great turnout as well, and 4 young people trusted Christ as Savior on Friday night!

My attendance chart at the end of the week. Love seeing all the stars!

We were able to take an offering throughout the week to raise money for a nearby camp that is working towards a new building. We did a penny competition between the two teams, and saw lots and lots of pennies come in!

It was a great, tiring, week!

I was MIA yesterday, and this is what I was doing....

Yes, those are all beans from our garden. We picked a few and canned them one day in the middle of VBS, but we didn't have the time to really get 'er done as much as we should have. No worries...the beans were still there waiting for us when VBS was over!

We had some guests here yesterday, and even they got in on the action!

Everyone has been snapping beans like crazy! Now we just have to get them all canned. Here is where we are so far...

We've used all of the 89 canning jars we own, and are headed out to purchase some more! I'm pretty sure we'll end up with well over 100 quarts before we get these done, and that is just from one day of picking! Yikes!

Besides beans and other gardening, I am anxious to get back in the swing of things and get some  "normal" things done around here! I almost don't know where to start, after spending so many weeks working on VBS prep! Here are my goals for this week. I totally didn't take the time to write them in my to-do list like I normally do, but here they are anyway!

1. Finish some mending

2. Start curtains

3. Start 1 bag

4. Walk 3 times

5. Read 2 chapters of "When Life is Hard" and 6 chapters of "Music in the Air"

6. Write one email

7. Visit with my grandparents, aunt and uncle, who are coming in on Friday! Yippee!

What are you working on this week? Anyone else have an exceptional garden this year?

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