
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

VBS Update

VBS is in full swing, and so far we are having a BLAST!

My classroom!
Monday night I had 7 kids, and last night I had 6. They are all behaving so well and doing such a great job!

Here is where we have our lesson time. Each of the kids have a little mat to sit on.

Our prize table! Everyone is looking forward to the end of the week!  Two kids get a prize each night, one for a "quiet seat" prize and one for a "helping hands" award. I have been thrilled to see all the "helping hands" so far. Last night one 5 year old boy let another boy go first in the game, and a little girl went a retrieved another girl's flip flop that fell off during the game. There have been other instances, too!

Here is where they have story time:

Monday night we played tic-tac-toe with a bean bag I whipped up from some scrap fabric. It was a hit!

Our theme verse for the entire week...

This is the big kids prize table....

This soldier is on the wall in the auditorium..out of the corner of your eye he looks like a real person standing there! People have commented on how they want to go talk to him when they first walk in!

We also have a life-sized Goliath on the wall. He takes up the entire. wall. I can't imagine actually seeing a person this tall!

There is a few shot to let you see what happening! I'm hoping to grab some pictures of the kids and activities before the week is is just hard to remember to keep the camera handy with so much going on! :S I'll do my best!

Hope y'all are having a great week!

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