
Monday, September 17, 2012

Gifts and Goals for this week (plus updated giveaway info)

Happy Monday, friends! I trust everyone had a fantastic weekend!

We are officially keeping last week's giveaway open a few more days. There seems to have been a problem with commenting last week, but I think everything is cleared up now!

So here are the updated details:

Prize: A $15 credit to Mae's Joyful Noise plus free shipping on your order. That is enough credit to score at least one free item!

Giveaway ends: Monday, September 17th at midnight. At the end of this week. Winner will be chosen via and announced here on the blog and on our facebook page.

Who can enter: Anyone, worldwide! Yippee!
    **Note: some have asked if you have to have a facebook account, blogger account, etc. to enter. The short answer is: no. ANYONE can enter!

To enter (mandatory): Visit Mae's Joyful Noise on Etsy and leave a comment here telling us what your favorite item is or what you would spend your $15 on if you won! Leave a comment on the original post (where you can oogle over more pictures) or on this post, or contact me via Facebook, email...pretty much anything! Just let me know you want to enter the giveaway, and I'll make sure you are included.

For additional entries (optional):
Like Mae's Joyful noise on FB and leave a separate comment here stating that you did.
Favorite Mae's Joyful noise on Etsy and leave a separate comment here stating that you did.
Follow Amanda's blog, Quiet Workings, and leave a separate comment here stating that you did.
Share via any social networking site and leave a separate comment here stating that you did

Before I go on to my normal gifts and goals update, I had to share some pictures of the new things Amanda posted on Facebook this week.

These team slippers are soooo cute (even though I don't root for the Maple Leafs, haha!) They even sport no-slip grippies on the bottom!
Batman slippers are equally as cute!
And these monster ones? I can just see Judah in a pair of these!
Cowboy boots! You can't start them too early!
This $15 credit is enough to get a special gift for a little one in your life this Christmas! I can think of several kidlets that will benefit from these!

Now that we have that business out of the way, here are the blessings I recorded on my 1,000 Gifts list this week!

412. Early morning Tims
413. Projects for my shop
414. A sweet neighbor
415. An interesting day with a mink!
416. The excitement of kids
417. Making a house call
418. Emails from lovely blog readers
419. Safety driving at night

I was contemplating my weekly goals this week. It is exciting to see how setting goals has helped me over the past several months! I set more goals each week than I used to, and often get most of them done! This was a week where I felt I got quite a bit accomplished, which I am so thankful for! I just love setting goals!

Last week's goals were...

Finish 2 Nova Scotia Tartan bags - completed!

Start 2 more tote bags - actually started 3!

Walk 3x - can I get a big whomp whomp? (I’m blaming the weather)

Finish church curtains - complete

Spend 3 hrs on eBook - spent a whopping half hour on this

List 2 items on Kijiji - actually listed 3!

Write 2 emails to friends - complete

Read 10 chapters of books - oh yeah baby

Work on Christmas printables - you can request them here!

Lets see if I can get as much accomplished this week!

Finish 3 tote bags

Start 2 more

Walk 3x (weather permitting, of course :)

Work out 4x - I’ve started doing some low impact workouts in the morning. Still working on making in a daily routine, so I’m making it a goal for this week! It is hard to get up and do it, but I always feel better when I do!

Spend 2 hours on eBook


Write 1 email to a friend

Continue to read “The Embrace of Grace” and “Mansfield Park”

Clean under bed - part of some fall cleaning I’m doing!

Go to Forest Glen Bible Camp teen retreat - as a counselor, of course!

How are you doing on your weekly goals? Have you been working on any special projects now that fall is in the air? Don't forget to enter the giveaway!


  1. I'm totally behind you on the exercise thing. I'm having a hard time making it a routine, too. Sigh. Walking sounds nice, though. Too bad we didn't live closer to each other. I'd go walking with you. Especially in this weather! It's amazing outside.

    1. Aw, thanks Amanda! I normally do better about walking but we either had something going on last week or it was raining. :( I normally walk in the evening, but I will soon have to switch to the afternoon because it will be dark early! Maybe then I'll actually be able to get 'er done more times a week! Good luck to you!

  2. Have you ever considered getting a Goodreads account (or maybe you have on and I don't know it!)? It's a great way to keep track of what you're reading, what you have read...and you can 'friend' other readers and see what they're reading too! I just somehow realized that you were reading Mansfield Park- how could I have missed that?! HUGE Jane Austen fan, though I have to admit that was not one of my favorites...I'll be interested in your thoughts once you finish!

    1. No, I never have! I hadn't heard very much about it...I should look into it! I have read "Mansfield Park" before, but oddly enough I couldn't remember how it ends, so I'm reading it again. :) Maybe I never finished it? Not sure! It certainly doesn't top "Emma"...that is my favorite. :) You can be sure I will post my thoughts on it at the end of the month!

    2. ha...I'm glad I'm not the only one who does that! There are certain books I KNOW I've read...but alas I can't seem to remember how they ended. I think I'll use the excuse 'I must not have finished it' from here on out ;)

      Let me know if you get a Goodreads account! And I'll look forward to your thoughts on Mansfield Park.


I appreciate you taking the time to comment! Some comments may need to be moderated, so don't be alarmed if your comment doesn't pop up right away. I can't wait to hear from you!