
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Reasons to Love Teen Camp

Last weekend I was a counselor at a teen retreat at this camp, and I had a great time! I always enjoy every chance I get to influence and impact lives for Christ. Even though a one-night teen retreat doesn’t provide a whole lot of opportunity to work with these girls, I am thankful for the small moments I did have, and the one opportunity to take a girl aside and give her Biblical solutions to her needs. Here are 10 reasons I love being a camp counselor:

1. Seeing the Lord work in hearts

2. Praying with and for these girls

3. Sitting under great preaching

4. The camp “atmosphere”

5. Staying up late as if I was a teen :)

6. Watching the teens playing games in a sopping wet ball field and not having to participate. (I hate being wet and cold...and those kids were definitely wet and cold! They certainly didn’t seem to mind!)

7. Spiritually uplifting chats with other ladies and counselors

8. Meeting new people

9. One-on-one counseling with a teen

10. Mopping up toilet water...oh wait...well, I’m still thankful we have washroom facilities right in our cabins!! :)

What service opportunities do you enjoy?

Last Top Ten: Handy Tools I use {almost} daily

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